I have always been one to search for understanding. I want to know the why’s. Understanding is a usually a low process … it takes time, patience, and persistence. Many of us give up before we reach the plateau of understanding because in our world, understanding is elusive. However, I reached that plateau concerning God’s perspective on forgiveness. The Book of Romans tells us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So that includes all those who hate God, all who curse God, all Church people, all clergy, all those in prison, and all politicians on both sides of the aisle … all are sinners. We categorize people as good or bad, but God had no categories on the Cross. No one was left out, God redeemed all, and that is understanding. It is That Simple.

God's Best
Desire God, desire His best, and don’t settle for just okay. Too many of us live between okay and fine. The Bible teaches us that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. What does renewing of our mind mean? It means we renew our desire for God’s best. So, let’s define that further. God’s best is … His gifts, His wisdom, His purpose, His guidance, and His will. God’s best for us is not inspiration, but transformation. Inspiration is about a moment in time, but transformation is about a lasting change. Every morning, when I get up, I ask God to change me in the day ahead and make me aware of God’s best. Later in the day, I am grateful for not living between the okay and fine. It is That Simple.

The Desire
One the most clarifying acts of mercy was the criminal on a cross next to Jesus. What was his backstory? Crucifixion was for the most serious of crimes and reserved for sedition, traitors, and murderers. This criminal never used the word Savior, was never baptized, never had a discipleship class, never responded to an altar call, never had anyone share the Gospel with him, never joined a small group, never been to Church, never said the sinner’s prayer, nor did he confess his sins … yet he gained paradise. The message is clear … our desire to follow Jesus is most important to God. We complicate God, and this story is the most uncomplicated story in the Bible. The criminal desired to follow Jesus, and Jesus wasn’t letting anything disqualify his desire. It is That Simple..

The Enemies of God
The Prophet Ezekiel said that God calls His shepherds His enemies. That is an indictment not expected by God. The leaders God called shepherds were to guide His people. Instead, they abandoned the people to profit themselves. God told these shepherds they were His enemies because they never searched for the lost. and abandoned the people to starve. His decree over the shepherds was direct … He took away their right to be shepherds. Similarly, Jesus said to the Ephesian Church in the Book of Revelation, “If you don’t put Me first, I will take your right to be a voice for Me.” There is a reason why our influence for God is declining. So many Churches have lost their right to represent His Voice because He was not their priority. It is That Simple.

Guard Your Hearts
It is not nice to call people names, right? Several Prophets revealed the frustration of God by calling God’s people names that were not nice. Jeremiah said the people were stupid. Ezekiel and Hosea called them whores and prostitutes, and Ezekiel calls the shepherds His enemies. What does it take to frustrate God to say such things? Their hearts claimed to know God, but their lives worshipped idols, were bribed to do wrong, and they refused to know God … the ultimate sin. The mission for Israel was to be a light to the nations in the same manner as the Church … by going into all the world with the Gospel … the Good News. God’s Words to His people were direct, concise, and deliberate. He was making a point … sin does not discriminate. Guard your hearts. It is That Simple.

God's Shaking
A phrase used several times in the Scriptures is that God will shake the heavens and the earth. Now, there is only one good reason to shake anything … to get what has settled mixed in again. In the Bible, shaking results in getting our attention. God shakes things to get what has settled back into play. Natural disasters can be a shaking. Why? Because we have no control over them. He shakes things in nature to remind us we don’t have the last say in anything. If a fire burns a whole town, or a tornado rips through a city, we are at the mercy of that disaster. Any kind of shaking gets our attention … that is the point. Gods says, “It’s Me again. Listen up! It is That Simple.

God’s Peace
No matter your race, your political side of the aisle, your gender, your religion, or your financial status, you will never achieve real peace without a deeper understanding of God. You may disagree with me, but humans have become so disagreeable that nothing is able to draw them into harmony. Jesus said the peace He gives is not like the peace in our world … His peace is rooted in mercy, forgiveness, and everlasting life. His peace cannot be removed, nor does it diminish … it is as unchanging as God Himself. As humans, our nature is combative, defiant, and narcissistic. Human nature will never be at peace … sin cannot know peace. This is why it takes God to remove sin and replace it with His peace. It is That Simple.

God's Test
Last week, there were two leaders in Washington who got into an argument over Ukraine. Reactions were mixed, but many thought our President showed little diplomatic restraint. The remarks from the press didn’t surprise me, but the remarks from people who follow Christ did. Christians using profanity to express their disapproval is never acceptable for a follower of Christ. You can disagree with a President, but before you go public with your distain, the Scripture asks you to pray for him. Remember, the Holy Spirit said that … not a Republican. God is more interested in you praying for this President than He is about your political opinion. Jesus said our words will reveal our hearts. Many of you don’t like this President, but God asks you to pray for him. It is That Simple.

Albert Einstein said, “Weakness in attitude is a weakness in character.” Attitude does reflect how we feel on in the inside. They tell us that 80% of our success can be attributed to our attitude. Bad attitudes can be defined as resisting change, whining, pessimism, excuses, and procrastination. I’m sure there are many more kinds of bad attitudes, but however you define attitude, it is how you view life. Your attitude is connected to your worldview, your life’s experiences, and your belief/value structure. One of the conundrums in the faith community is our attitudes. As stated earlier, attitude reflects what is inside of you. Jesus said, “Out of the mouth the heart speaks. King Solomon reminds us, “His mercies are new every morning.” Start there … let His mercy influence your attitude. It is That Simple.

Religion is Irrelevant to God
Recently, I sat in Church and listened to a sermon about Christ not being a religion, but a relationship. Yet, the speaker never defined a relationship. We use words thinking they will tell the whole story, but they don’t. Jesus defined what a relationship with God is when He said, “If you want to be a follower of Mine, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow Me.” This is the real definition of having a relationship with God, according to Jesus. Can you see why religion is so irrelevant to God? Relationship demands action … going to Church is an activity. Religion is based upon rules … a relationship is based upon the surrender to a person, Jesus Christ. Yes, religion is irrelevant to God. It is That Simple.

The End Product
In Bible preaching Churches, there is an emphasis on discipleship. Yet, discipleship for the sake of just knowing God, is incomplete without the other side of discipleship … which is making Him known. Discipleship is the process of knowing God, His Word and His expectations of followers like you and me. The expectation that follows is to “make Him known.” It is this part we find difficult, to tell others about our faith in Jesus. Author Carey Nieuwhof says only 1% of Churches do evangelism which is the word we use for “making Him known.” Discipleship has two parts; it is the process of knowing God and then making Him known … it is this one movement that defines discipleship. The structure in most Churches stays internal, but God’s end-product is always external. It is That Simple.

The Daily Dose of Hope
Keeping up is getting more difficult. So much to process from technology changes, to the turmoil in government, to the price of eggs. Right? Then it hit me … keeping up is important, but keeping up with God is even more important. No one wants to put their head in the sand and be isolated from their surroundings, but some choices are better than others. We all have 168 hours every week to spend. In that time frame, do we take in more issues from this world than we do hearing from God? This world will rob, steal, and destroy us, but God can change us and give us hope. We will never get that from all the hours spent trying to keep up to be informed. God informs us with His best. It is That Simple.

God is Revealing Himself
The Bible tells us that God not only keeps His Word, but provides us with direction. The Prophet Amos says that God does nothing without revealing His plans to the Prophets. Before Jesus came, John the Baptist was known for His prophetic voice and presence, making the way known in revealing the coming Messiah. The active role of the Holy Spirit is another example of God making His Name and presence known. The Church is the other witness of preparing for the second coming of Jesus. One of the unique key distinctives of Christianity is the presence of God among His people. He is among us to lead us into truth, to know Him, and to make Him known. It has been His pattern since creation, and He never changes. It is That Simple.

Jesus Doesn't Fit Into Religion
Isaiah prophesied about a suffering servant, who we believe was Jesus. Isaiah described this servant as an ordinary person whose appearance wasn’t majestic but simple, plain, and He didn’t stand out. The prophet said this man would suffer greatly, having His beard pulled out, and His back beaten. His face was beaten beyond recognition, and from His beatings one could hardly determine He was a man. What did this man do to deserve such treatment? Nothing. Remember, it was the religious people, not the sinners, who wanted Him dead. Religious people are the hardest people to convince that Jesus doesn’t want religious tradition because it makes Him look and sound religious. They killed Him the first time because He didn’t fit into religion, and today nothing has changed … He still doesn’t fit into religion. It is That Simple.

Loving People Away from Hell
Recently, I was challenged by a sermon that defined a spiritual life by love. Our spiritual life is not based upon knowledge, or wisdom, or gifts … it is based upon our love for others. However, if our spiritual life is really defined by our love for others, would we not be more concerned about people going to hell? So, either we don’t believe in hell, or we am fine knowing our assurance of heaven is secure and that is the end of the story. Right? I have been so uncomfortable over this, because I do believe in heaven and in hell, but am I as concerned for others as I am about myself? Defining a spiritual life by love is right … it drives the concern for where others will spend eternity. It is That Simple.

Going in Circles
Is your life going in circles? For me, I spent much of my life trying to figure things out which spun me in circles more than I want to admit. I believe life is a lot about circling the wagons. It comes down to protecting and securing, rather than taking a risk. Faith is that way too. We can get stuck in one pattern, one mindset where we circle the wagons and stay safe. I remember as a pastor, I was told several times … please don’t make waves, stop all the convicting stuff, play nice. Faith is messy and it is risky. There isn’t a leader mentioned in the Bible that didn’t take a risk in serving God. You may be circling in your life, but living is often in the risk. It is That Simple.

Faith vs Reality
When we look at things only in the natural, we will always be defeated. How do I know? Let me tell you a story about spies. God told twelves spies to go into a foreign land and discover who was living there, then come back and report. Ten spies reported, “Great land, but the people are too big, too powerful, we saw it all.” Two of the twelve spies disagreed and said, “If God is pleased with us, He will give us this land.” Two different reports … one saw the reality, the other saw God. Faith is the reality of things hoped for and the evidence of the unseen. If all we see is the reality, we will never take a risk to conquer the land of our dreams. It is That Simple.

There is a lot of criticism today of political leadership. People hating on people and thinking they are doing the public some kind of service. I am reminded of Jesus talking about the log in our own eye, so perfect for those who think their opinions about others is truth. That parable of the splinter or the log in our eye says this … for every hateful word we say about others, Jesus reminds us that we have the bigger problem. In other words, for every hateful word we have for someone, the splinter, God says our hatred is like a log. It’s irrational to be critical of others, when we suffer ourselves from hypocrisy. We don’t have to agree with others, but let’s try some civility and whittle down our own logs. It is That Simple.

When I was a young Christian, faith and works was hotly contested in the Church. I thought for the longest time, works was like the law, it was replaced by faith. Now, I believe that works plays an important role in the life of the Church. People who have a hard time with faith cannot question the value of works because they can see the benefits. Jesus said to His skeptics, “Even if you don’t believe in what I say, believe in the works that I do.” This is why the Church must have works to prove how faith in God has value in our everyday life. James tells us that faith without the proof of works is dead faith. Is our faith alive or dead? The greatest advertisement for faith is through our works. It is That Simple.

They Do Not Know Me
Repeatedly throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, God had one convicting statement … “You don’t know Me.” The audience in Jesus’ day heard this … “You don’t know the Father, and you don’t know Me.” It is my conclusion that when confronted by Jesus in eternity, His first words would be, “You never knew Me.” At that point, it really doesn’t matter what sins you committed or how serious, because not knowing Him puts you into the category of not getting into heaven. I believe, not knowing Him is the greatest indictment against us. Our sins could have been forgiven, but not knowing Him, could not. This is known as the ‘unpardonable sin. When the Creator/Savior says that our greatest sin is not knowing Him, shouldn’t we pay attention? It is That Simple.

One of the realities of joining a worldwide movement, is that you will not be liked for it. It’s not what you think would happen when you join the largest movement of people on earth. Jesus said, “They hated Me, they will hate you.” Comments on Social Media often are a petri dish of hatred and hypocrisy, and if you comment on it, you will be persecuted. Of course, that is minor compared to standing for the truth of the Gospel in hostile environments where your life is at stake. However, just the idea that your beliefs about the truth of the Gospel seems so threatening that people want you dead is beyond comprehension. Yet, that is what happened to Jesus … His beliefs got Him the Cross. Welcome to the Family of Faith. It is That Simple.

God’s Will
Christians always worry about being in God’s will. The Scriptures teach us to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances … for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Often, we think God’s will is a place, a direction, or a person. Yet, the Apostle Paul says, no, it’s an attitude of mind and heart. Rejoice, pray, and give thanks … boom you’re doing God’s will. I know I don’t always rejoice, nor do I pray as I should, and for heaven’s sake, I do not give thanks for all the circumstances my life is facing. Finding that sweet spot with God comes when there is an attitude change in us. Stop complaining … rejoice. Stop opinionating … pray. Stop wishing things were different … give thanks. Boom, you’re in God’s will. It is That Simple.

Making It Right
Making things right has been a major part of my thinking these days. It was a major part of what Jesus was thinking too. He said that when you know there is an offense, leave the altar of worship and, “Go and be reconciled to that person.” In other words, go and make it right. It is much easier to forget than it is to remember what is wrong, and much harder to make it right. Yet, making it right brings the issue into the light, allowing God to work through forgiveness to bring restoration. The lesson here is the humility to first acknowledge something is wrong, and then ask for the courage to address it. I think all of us have things that need to be made right … let’s do it today. It is That Simple.

Recently, my son told me that he is now the ‘Chief Reminding Officer’ in his business. One author says, “We become one big post it-note for others, always being a reminder of things to do.” He commented that leadership is keeping people reminded of the things they know they must do. As parents, I think we can relate because we become the big post it-notes to our children whose memories are very suspect. The Bible is like that too. God’s big post it-note to remind us about life and how to live it. With so many distractions today, reminders are critical. The Holy Spirit was given to us by Jesus to recall all the things He taught. If there ever was a Chief Reminding Officer, He would be it. Listen for His reminders. It is That Simple.

Does God interrupt us? The Psalmist asked for interruptions. “Test me, O Lord and try me: examine my heart and my mind. Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts.” Interruptions are annoying because they redirect us. Yet, God’s interruptions test what is right or wrong in our mind, heart, and life. We often live every day ignoring God’s interruptions, in exchange of pursuing our selfish ideas, and with the ever-changing desires in our hearts. God says, “Let me interrupt you with what I see.” His examinations will always tell the truth about who we are and where we are heading … whether it is moving toward Him or away from Him. When God interrupts … don’t ignore Him. He has a reason to break into our world. It is That Simple.

The Escape
I recently visited Las Vegas, and I was amazed by all the lights, the fashion, and the food. Nothing was spared in entertainment. What came to mind was Jesus in Luke’s Gospel where He talked about unlimited pleasure, drunkenness, and the cares of this life. He went on to say, “Pray that y0u may have the strength to escape all these things.” The plan for any escape must first start with how we think. Escape is never on our minds when the flight attendant explains how to exit the plane if needed. We just don’t care because planes rarely crash. Yet, knowing how to escape could save your life. Jesus said to pray for strength to escape the corruption that will engulf the whole world. He is that proverbial flight attendant speaking to a preoccupied audience. It is That Simple.

Eyes and Ears that Know God
The Bible mentions having eyes to see and ears to hear. My family jokingly teases me of not having both. Yet, the hearing and seeing the Bible speaks about is being able to see and hear a different sight and sound. It is having the ability to connect with God to see the direction He is moving, and hearing His Word that prepares us for what is ahead. God wants us to know His plans, in fact the Prophet Amos says, “God never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” The Bible is 1/3 prophecy that reveals His plans. Having eyes to see and ears to hear God, are those who can distinguish the Lord from both the culture and the confused religion around us. It is That Simple.

The Bible says to outdo one another in showing honor to each other. This life-style change is not often an emphasis with us. This is humility in practice. How we see the world will influence us in how we honor people. If the world revolves around us, we will want the honor and not give it. Self-importance is the greatest hinderance to humility. Jesus knew that humility would not come naturally … it is a choice. The choice to deny self, pick up our cross, and follow Him is the greatest attribute to humility. Seeing people through the eyes of honor will become natural once we begin to practice it. Think about the people we will meet today. Will we see them through the eyes of honor? By honoring others, we honor God. It is That Simple.

The Right Pursuit
Recently, I wrote about the challenge of pursuing the finer things. However, the finer things come with the cost of grinding. Finer things get more chiseling, sanding and correcting. Nothing just gets into a stage of refinement without the cost of the hard work through the pursuit to make something more valuable. Often, we find ourselves giving up on our pursuits, and the death of a pursuit will always find us with the death of a better product. The pursuit must start with a mind change, and that change starts with the right pursuit. Jesus said the greatest refinement comes from the pursuit of His Kingdom, and with that pursuit we will find the finer things in life. Has pursuit died in you? Start again with His Kingdom. It is That Simple.

The Finer Things
A friend challenged me to pursue a life of the finer things. For example, better food, the kind that fosters a healthier diet. Refine an exercise routine coupled with a consistency to do it. Refine how I spend my time, less Internet, television, movies, and phone trolling. Pursue goals for reading material that refines my perspective on life. Develop relationships that build, challenge, and exchange ideas rather than criticisms. Reclaim the time spent on the insignificant and spend more time in pursuing friendships and family. Someone said, “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” Jesus said that everything in life comes down to seeking the Kingdom of God. Too often, we settle for what is easy, we settle for the immediate, rather than pursuing the finer things that challenge us. It is That Simple.

Being Unique
The other day, I was listening to an interview about a mentally challenged boy who navigated the culture of being different. His mother was wise in telling Him that God made him unique. This unique boy did go on to write books about being different, and how blessed he was to be different. For me, I have always been told, “Well people don’t do it that way.” I have responded, “Now they have an example to follow.” Today, I see people following the trends around them, as if to say, “I don’t want to stand out and be different.” Yet, all of us are different … God’s handiwork has always created unique people, just so no one could claim they are a knock off from someone else. Don’t copy others … be unique. It is That Simple.

Being Wrong
The hardest thing in life is to admit you were wrong. How often are you wrong? Well, if you were able to do a 60-40 split on being right versus being wrong, I think you would be doing well. This is subjective to how I see myself. I think I am wrong 40% of the time. Now, it’s not just the arguments you get into where you find out you are wrong … it’s the assumptions, the guessing, the decisions, and all the analysis we do in our heads that end up being all wrong. I also think of the daily mistakes I make that are wrong, as I drive, or having the wrong tone in a conversation with my wife, it all adds up to being wrong. Thank God for grace. It is That Simple.

The Heart Triumphs Over Might
Jesus never criticized the Caesars. He acknowledged Caesar by teaching that we should pay what is owed to Caesar. He said, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” Was it strange Jesus never chastised the Romans for their cruelty? Yet, the only people He excoriated were the religious leaders. Perhaps religion was more dangerous than the Romans. Religious leaders exalted religion, which kept people from knowing God. Jesus taught it was more important to know God and live in relationship with Him, than being religious. His focus was the heart over government, and trusting God from your heart, you become a part of a Kingdom more powerful than the Roman Empire. He was triumphant over the Romans without speaking a word to the Caesars. It is That Simple.

Impact means … coming into impressionable contact. What impact do you have on others? Often, we hold the talented and the gifted up like a golden calf, honoring and admiring them. God gives gifts, but His expectation is for people of humble character to use the giftedness for the good of the many. Pride is honored by self-importance, and then all giftedness goes dark. The impact God wants is the impact of humility which is void of our self-importance. Humility impresses God and His reward is giving more grace to those who have it. I love the gifted and talented, it is fun to watch them impress people. Yet, my delight is to watch those same talented people be impressionable with a gift of humility, because God gave them the gift. It is that Simple.

The Soul is Forever
I realize that some of my friends do not share my views. I get it. You and I were created with the right to choose. However, let me just share a simple Bible truth with you. In the creation process, God created us with a body, soul, and spirit. We know the body dies, right, and the spirit gives life to the soul, so what happens to our soul? It goes on into eternity to live in one of two places, heaven or hell. Now, that is Bible 101. Your soul contains who you are, including your personality, and it lives forever. However, I know that nothing I say will ever convince you … but God can. How? He speaks to the soul. God speaks clearly to those who want to know Him. It is That Simple.

The Prophet Jeremiah said that God’s people are stubborn about their sin, “They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around.” Later he concludes with this, “They do not know the Lord’s laws.” The Prophet was speaking to God’s people, citing that their stubbornness has kept them away from the promises God had for them. Even after repeatedly being confronted by the prophets, they refused to change directions. This had been a pattern with God’s people in the Old Testament, but not much has changed today. We have been through a trend in the Church that mirrored Jeremiah’s concern. Don’t confront sin, keep everything positive, and upbeat. Yet, the major concern from Scripture has always been practice obedience and repentance, and “Return to Me, and I will return to You.” It is That Simple.

Evil Characteristics
Have you thought about evil lately? I suppose it’s not good to dwell upon, but here are ten characteristics. (1) Never forgives (2) Always aggressive, never neutral (3) Creates confusion (4) Always lies (5) Always destructive, and deceptive (6) Always questions truth (7) Promotes pride and narcissism (8) It is both light and darkness (9) Hides its agenda (10) Always betrays. Today, evil is packaged in subtle ways … by making its introduction as being innocent and non-threatening. The main objective of evil is to get acceptance in our world as normal. Evil is greatly enhanced when it can be accepted by what is known in our culture as good. For example, using a traditional idea but coopting it with a hidden agenda. Don’t be fooled darkness … can appear as light. It is That Simple.

The Birth of Evil
Evil had a beginning. It was the model of perfection, it was full of wisdom, it was beautiful, was anointed, it was blameless, it was a guardian. All of this describes the one created being who thought his attributes were equal to God. The unrighteousness of pride corrupted all the good characteristics, and made them sinister and dark. Going from being a guardian of beauty to a thief, a liar, a deceiver was how evil was born. The Scriptures teach that Satan never forgot his earlier character in heaven because he can transform into an angel of light. Evil then can look good, appear good, and say all the right words to use good in furthering evil in our world. No wonder good becomes evil, and evil becomes good. It is That Simple.

Don’t worry about the manure on your shoes. That is the thought of the Proverb writer as he reflects upon success. There is going to be messes where work is being done. A farmer knows that if you have no mature, you have no animals. If you are a contractor without a mess, you probably are not constructing anything. A minister knows when you are building a ministry with broken people, there will be some unfortunate casualties. A parent who is raising children knows there will always be a process of iron sharpening iron in the home. God knew that creating people with a free will that there will be a mess … called sin. So, don’t worry about the messiness of manure being on your shoes … it is common when life is being put to work. It is That Simple.

Franklin Graham was asked if the fires in California are God’s judgment, he said, “No, God’s message is I love you.” Pastor Jack Hibbs said, “Our current government-policy makers have to go, they are responsible for this scorched earth.” Well, when Jesus was asked about those who were killed by Herod, and those killed when the tower of Siloam fell, He said, “Unless you repent you will perish too.” That is God’s statement on judgment. Every crisis and every disaster is an opportunity to realize life is short, fragile, and unpredictable. Period. So, with that in mind, make each day a day of accountability to God. As Jesus implied, judgment is an easy word to throw around, especially for others … but we are all accountable to repent. Keep your days close to God. It is That Simple.

Being Simple
A few years ago, these posts came out from an admonition about keeping it simple. So, the first simple goal for this post will be to focus on keeping things within the boundaries of common sense. The next simple goal is to clarify Bible convictions … knowing what it teaches and why? And my last simple goal for this post is to be coached by the Holy Spirit. Last year, ‘The Coach’ asked me to improve myself, and said, “Here is My list for your improvement.” (1) You’re too reactionary (2) You lack mercy (3) You are slow on forgiveness (4) You lack patience (5) You are lazy in watching and praying (6) You are slow on discerning spiritual seduction (7) You are lacking immediate obedience. Nice list, huh? Growing is not easy, but it is a simple goal for myself. It is That Simple.

On a recent trip to the Los Angeles area, I was struck with how many distractions there are in just one day. Research shows that we face 4,000 to 10,000 messages every day in America. Every day we see or hear so many voices and images it’s hard not to be distracted. Phones are one of the worst culprits that contributes to being distracted. The idea of putting the Kingdom of God first is perpetually under assault, and I kid you not, we are influenced by all the distractions. Now, I understand more fully the idea of distraction from the Laodicean Church of Revelation Chapter 3. Jesus said, “Because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out.” Distractions are intended to make you drift, and drifting makes you neither hot or cold. It is That Simple.

At War
Most Christians have heard the phrase spiritual warfare, but I’m not convinced we believe it. My mother survived World War II, living in England. She told me they lived with daily air raids, and she always carried a gas mask with her, for fear the Nazis would gas her town. Her daily diet was rationed to the essentials, and butter and sugar were scarce. The daily sirens of air attacks were numbing, and bombs often came close to her home. My mom had no doubt that each day could be her last. Most of us do not think about bombs, air raids, and rationing, but the war that is waged against us is still a real war. The war we face, is a war for our soul. It is That Simple.

The Lie
Have you ever wondered what Satan said to influenced 1/3 of the angels in heaven to rebel against God? What do you think he said that convinced them that a rebellion against God was a good thing? Was it the same tactic Satan uses to convince teenagers that changing their sex organs is a good thing? How do you convince a society that there is no difference between men and women, knowing that the science of anatomy does not support it? How do you influence athletic conferences to allow men to compete with women, knowing it will not end well for women? As Satan told Eve that she could be like God, is the same lie he used to influence angels. It shouldn’t surprise us that he graduated from angels to humans. It is That Simple.

The Small Things
It’s the small things that matter. Over the holidays, we had our 6-year-old granddaughter with us. We didn’t have a Disneyworld near us, or a Six Flags theme park, or even a museum or two … but it didn’t matter. What mattered were the crafts, the coloring, the chasing and tickling, the hide and seek games that we played. It was a reminder that it is the small things that are more memorable. The same is true with God. The small things of gratitude, the hidden treasure of a Scripture Verse at the right time, or the confirmation of a prayer answered. Small perhaps in the scheme of things, but a confirmation that God cares for us, even knowing the number of hairs on our heads … the small things matter. It is That Simple.

Meaningless Leadership
Leadership is about influence. God has always held leadership as a critical element in knowing Him. Hosea said it was the failure of leadership why there was no knowledge of God in the land. James tells us that leadership will be held to a higher standard because they are influencers. So, how should a leader lead? Isaiah said leaders should never act like silent dogs. Dogs are meant to influence a warning through their bark. God identified leaders in Isaiah’s day as silent dogs … ignorant, blind, and self-serving. Godly leadership is a surrender to God to lead His way. No matter who you are, you do play a leadership role somewhere in life. So, remember your leadership is important to God because it has influence to make a difference for Him. It is That Simple.

Temptation and Deliverance
Jesus taught us to pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” The message version says it this way, “Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.” Sometimes we become our worst enemy by being tempted by sin. I think the two words in this section of the Lord’s prayer are, “Lead and deliver.” The Bible says we are tempted by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. In other words, what we desire, what we see, and the feeling of importance. Temptation is subtle and seems innocent. Deliverance on the other hand is the freedom from the grasp of evil on our life. The prayer is simple … give us discernment about temptation, and courage to resist evil. It is That Simple.

God Loves and Hates
All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Fairly straight forward, isn’t it? People say God is love, which is true, but He hates what we do to each other. Evil destroys people, pride says I am better than you, arrogance is an attitude of superiority, corruption steals, and perverse speech is dishonoring. This kind of behavior takes advantage of others; however, the Bible teaches that all paths of the Lord, lead to His mercy. God condemns behavior but will always respond in mercy to the person. I suppose this is a good lesson for all of us … we hate what evil does to people but still love the people. Remember, God’s kindness will lead to our repentance. It is That Simple.

Jesus is a Radical
Jesus said He came to set the world on fire and came to divide people. That came from the mouth of Jesus … not some radical dictator. The message of Jesus will create enemies, first in our own families, and then divide people along moral lines. Jesus started the fire when He said He was the only way, the truth and life, no one comes to God except through Him. Those words will divide. He declared there is only one way to salvation, there is only one truth, and there is only One who gives eternal life … and it is Him. Jesus divides public opinion by saying He is the only standard by which Heaven is gained, and then proves it by His resurrection. Jesus is radical … that’s why He divides and sets everything on fire. It is That Simple.

Change is Inevitable
Change is inevitable and I always wonder what changes are ahead in the new year. The best changes are always when God shows up in some way that makes a difference in an outcome. More than any resolution I make, or goal I set, I want God to show up in my thinking, to change my thoughts and desires into doing His will in my heart. It does take God to make that kind of change. The prophet Jeremiah says, “The human heart is cursed and is incurably deceitful without God.” This is why my objective this new year is to ask God to show up in me to make a difference in the outcome in my life. Change is inevitable, but I long for His change in me in the new year. It is That Simple.

Is Church Worth Attending?
I have a friend who has strong opinions about the Church. He says most Churches are not worth attending. Now at first, I think we all would vehemently disagree with him. However, here is what he says about the Church, “It does not stimulate to action. It often is afraid to address the evil in our culture. It gets hung up on theology and denominationalism instead of preaching Jesus. The message is not missional … its convenience.” Harsh words for sure. Yet, Jesus had some similar thoughts about the behavior of the Church in the Book of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. I know most of us do not like to be critical of the Church, but if there is room for improvement, isn’t it worth the risk to be open and honest? It is That Simple.

The Light of Hope
In Luke 11:33-36, hiding light is wrong. Light was never meant to be hidden. You hide things because you don’t want the light to expose it. Light and darkness are not compatible. Jesus said, “If your eye provides light to the body, your body will be full of light.” In other words, knowing Jesus is seeing light, and your whole body will be affected. However, if your eye is unhealthy, it is not Jesus you will see, and you will be full of darkness. Jesus also warned about light you think is light but is darkness. Light is a Biblical Christ, who died on a Cross, rose from the tomb, and promised to come again. How you see Jesus is how you live out being a light of hope. It is That Simple.

It’s All in the Search
The Church is powerful when it seeks God. The power comes when we find Him. Jeremiah says, “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” God can be found, and He can be known … it’s all in the search. I think there are three kinds of spiritual people. Ones who don’t know Him, ones who say they know Him, and those who do know Him. The difference? The ones who have searched for Him are the ones who find Him. The ones who don’t know Him, don’t care to search. The ones who say they know Him, stopped their search before completing it. But those who searched until they found Him, know Him. The power comes when the search is complete. It is That Simple.

Nothing Matters but The Child
Today Christmas takes center stage around the world. The story is once again being told to audiences around the globe. Among all the participants in the Christmas story, it was the shepherds who were the first to see The Child and were told to go and tell what they saw. That has always been a major theme of the Gospel … come and see, go and tell. Shepherds, a stable, a manger … all were elements of an earthly, poor nature. There was nothing about this story that had a shred of royalty to it. The royalty wasn’t in the in the surroundings or in the first visitors … the royalty was The Child. The lesson learned at Christmas is just that, nothing matters but The Child. Come and see, go and tell. It is That Simple.

Christmas is a Sign of His Coming Twice
The story of Bethlehem is the story that ushers in His Kingdom. The Prophecy said it this way. “The government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” The Father has given all things into His hand. Jesus was at creation … all things were created by Him and for Him. He was in the manger, born to redeem mankind. In the end, His Kingdom will rule the earth. Christmas is a sign that the Prophecies of the past foretelling His coming were true. However, by the nature of His birth at Christmas, Jesus said He would come again. He came at first as a Savior, but the second time He will arrive as a conqueror. It is That Simple.

Eternity is Visible at Christmas
The story of Bethlehem begins the reign of His Kingdom. The government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. Jesus was at creation … all things were created by Him and for Him. He was in the manger to begin the process of redeeming mankind. He represented God in the flesh and in the end, He will judge the living and the dead. Christmas is a story of when eternity became visible to our world, when a Child was born. Just think about it. Jesus the Creator, Jesus the Savior, and Jesus the Judge was born in Bethlehem. Christmas is the visible story of eternity. It is That Simple.

Something Bigger in the Manger
CS Lewis said, “'Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” Christmas was not a holiday … it was an act of God who decided to come and live among us. It has been said many times, “Jesus did not come to start a new religion called Christianity, He came to live among us, and give us a promise where we could live with Him for eternity. CS Lewis was right … all of eternity was in that stable that first Christmas. This story in Bethlehem changes everything, and when we ignore the meaning of Christmas as so many do, we are ignoring the gift of eternity. Christmas is about eternity, and its narrative begins from a manger. It is That Simple.

Christmas Put the Mission in Motion
Christmas put the mission of God in motion. I love conversations about Jesus, and especially when the Holy Spirit illuminates God’s plans. Recently in a conversation with a friend, he was speaking on the importance of the crucifixion. He acknowledges the importance of the Resurrection, but the Cross had to happen first, therefore it had a priority. Okay, who’s going to argue with that? Some things must happen before the reality of an upcoming event can take place. Yet if you use that logic, Christmas is most important because it kicks into motion the mission of Jesus. The plan of God started with the promise that a Child would be born … Christmas was the plan of God. Christmas kicked God’s mission in motion. God’s plan can’t get any better than Christmas. It is That Simple.

Christmas Was Always His Plan
Christmas was God’s plan all along. The coming of Jesus was planned before God created the world. (Revelation Chapter 13) It was God’s plan before He created the world and it all was mapped out. God knew our inability to handle freewill and it would get us into trouble. His attempts to remedy our problems through Laws, Commandments, and Prophets all working toward correcting a fallen humanity … this just was never going to be enough. Before Jesus, it was simply a historical lesson showing us we are beyond repair, no law, commandment, or prophet can bring a cure to our condition. God knew we would fail, yet He still created our world. Why? His plan always included a Christmas from the beginning. A Savior was always His plan. Christmas was always His plan. It is That Simple.

Evil Prowling
I am convinced shootings in schools have a Prophetic connection. The Apostle Paul says that evil in the last days will influence people to be unforgiving, unloving, have no self-control, are cruel, hate what is good, and they will betray their friends. This latest shooting in Madison, Wisconsin, at a Christian school illustrates the hatred evil has for anything innocent and good. King David had an issue of why evil is successful, and I ask why do children suffer because of evil? David finally entered the sanctuary of the Lord and found the answer to his question. It will always be the Lord who becomes our answer to our why’s. Drawing close to the Lord is our only hope against the evil prowling like a lion, seeking those to devour. It is That Simple.

Christmas is a Harvest
Christmas, a new awakening. I hope these short posts about Christmas these past few weeks has reminded you of the significance of God’s plan in Bethlehem. As humans we get accustomed to our traditions, and Christmas becomes just another observance. This year, I realized that Christmas has a lot of moving parts based upon the events in Bethlehem, and in the Prophecies surrounding the announcement … a Child is born. The seed of the Christmas story was sown throughout the Old Testament and like any seed sown, time was needed in waiting for the harvest. That day in Bethlehem the harvest began, and it will continue until all have heard. Jesus said, “The harvest is ripe,” so let us be those laborers to bring it in. It is That Simple.

Christmas has influenced generations. How many generations have been influenced by its message? They tell us a generation is 25 years, which means there has only been 80 generations since Jesus walked the earth. Every generation in those 80 generations have been targeted by the message of Christmas. Each generation believing in the message of Christmas, is compelled to influence the next generation with the story of Jesus. This reminds me of the Great Commission given by Jesus to go into the world, to all the generations, and make disciples. Every generation tries to find its way, usually by looking to the future for their answers. However, the answers are not in the future … they come to us from the past. His birth in Bethlehem holds the answer for all generations. It is That Simple.

It’s All in the Name
Christmas is all about the name. They named the baby in the manger, Yeshua, which in Hebrew, corresponds to the name of Joshua meaning, ‘the Lord is salvation.’ Jesus is the English translation, and God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. It’s this name that brings peace to the human heart, allowing forgiveness, mercy, and compassion to flourish. That name conquers evil by His righteousness and sets the captives free. There is healing and restoration in that name. That name brings us face to face with the promises God, including the promise of everlasting life. That name is above all names, and it is the name behind Christmas. Jesus … the name of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. It is That Simple.

Christmas Has Its Enemies
In Revelation Chapter 12, Satan tried to kill this child when He was born. Since he failed, Satan went and made war with all who were associated with the Christmas story. King Herod played a part in this first wave of hatred for this child, but again was defeated. This child was on a mission to bring redemption to the world, and ever since the beginning at Bethlehem, Christmas has been under attack. Today, the story of the Nativity scene is again under attack. Municipalities have tried to ban its display, but as in the past the message of Christmas survives. As Satan learned from his first attempt to kill the baby, the mission of Christmas is indestructible. Christmas will be triumphant for all generations. Christ is born! It is That Simple.

Christmas is about the extraordinary. Angels appeared four times to tell of God’s plan. Zechariah was told his wife, Elizabeth, was going to have a baby. Mary was told she was going to get pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph was told Mary was pure, no need to abandon her. Lastly, the Angel told the shepherds to share the Good News … the Messiah was born. Perhaps their messages were to assure the participants of this extraordinary event that God was becoming flesh and dwelling among us. Mary and Joseph especially needed to know God was directing their stories because it was extraordinary. The supernatural is always extraordinary, and the Christmas story was the most supernatural event in the history of the world. Christmas is so extraordinary. It is that Simple.

The Mission of Christmas
A friend reminded me that Christmas began in Genesis 3:15. It is a statement God makes about the coming of Christ, “He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” This is a Prophecy about the Coming of Christ and Satan being fatally crushed, with Christ followers being bruised by evil. This is often thought of as the first mention of the Gospel of Salvation in the Bible. Christmas is a mission of Good News, the Salvation of the Lord has come to destroy the power of sin, and the works of the Devil. The mission of Christmas was God’s way of putting redemption in motion. The process started in a manger and ended on a Cross, and no greater story can be told than the mission of Christmas. It is That Simple.

Christmas myths are everywhere. I was watching a movie, Mary, a new release by Netflix. The story was entertaining, but the creative license went beyond the Scriptures. Mary was living in Nazareth, and like most young girls between the ages of 13-15, she prepared to be betrothed. Women were the homemakers, and they raised the children. There are many myths about Mary derived from tradition. Mary was said to be without sin, but all humans sin and Mary was no exception … she needed a Savior too. Mary was an ordinary girl who was faithful to God. To me, Mary is a symbol of the type of person Jesus chooses to use … ordinary people. Mary was first, followed by the ordinary Twelve who changed the world. I’m glad to be ordinary. It is That Simple.

Christmas is Prophetic
Isaiah tells us, “The Lord Himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child!” Isaiah then describes this child, “The government will rest on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” These Prophecies were given 700 years before Jesus was born. God doesn’t do things in a vacuum. The Prophet Amos said, “God never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the Prophets.” So, that means God does not keep His will a secret. Prophecy is like headlines … it reveals what can be expected. There are 1,817 Prophecies in the Bible, all revealing God’s next move. Christmas was just one of those Prophecies and His Prophecies always come true. It is That Simple.

Christmas is a Sign of Miracles
A young teenager named Mary started it all. She was a simple girl with a heart of faithfulness. She didn’t have to prove herself or perform in some incredible manner to be used by Him. Yet, why Mary? Well, her response to the message from the Angel illustrates the why. “I am the Lord’s servant, let these things come true.” There was no hesitation, whatever the Lord wants, I will be ready. Now to me, that response was a miracle. Mary didn’t conquer nations … she simply played her part so God could play His part. The message of Christmas asks one question, “Are we faithful to God?” Mary was faithful she played her part, and a miracle changed the world. How about you? It is That Simple.

Christmas Had a Rough Start
Christmas is not for wimps. Well, when was the last time you heard of a human baby being born in a barnyard? This baby was a tough kid from the beginning. He was hunted down by a narcissistic king who wanted to kill babies. So, He became a refugee in a foreign land, and He was just an infant. Most of us think of Christmas as a sterile, clean, nicely-packaged story of a sweet-smelling baby boy, with a shepherd choir singing Christmas carols. Think again … it was a rough, smelly beginning, certainly not ideal. Yet, as crude and smelly as the stable was, God brings to the world the greatest hope we have ever known. Don’t despise the small beginnings of a rough and smelly start … hope is within. It is That Simple.

Christmas is for Everyone
Christmas is not just for Christians. Jesus did not come to start a new religion … He came to prove God’s plan of redemption for ‘all people.’ God has been in the process to reveal Himself from the time of the creation of the world. He could have put a permanent sign in the heavens saying, “I am God, know Me.” Instead, He chose the forum of a family, where relationships were more meaningful. The Jews were the family of His choice in making Him known. God promised that the Jews would be a blessing to all the nations on earth. That narrative is fulfilled in the Bethlehem story of the birth of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was Jewish born into the family God chose to be His witness to all nations. Christmas is for everyone. It is That Simple.

The Story of Christmas Begins
Christmas started long before Bethlehem. The Word was in the beginning with God. He gave life to everything that was created. He was the light, and the darkness could not extinguish it. This Word came into the world He created, into a small town of Bethlehem. As the story is told, the world did not receive its Creator, and from the beginning His mercy and faithfulness was rejected. Christmas was a powerful moment in the history of mankind. Like so many things in this life, people did not understand what happened. The Creator became like His creation … a plan God had from the beginning. The process of redeeming mankind through His Covenants and Laws that provided instruction for living had failed. Now it was time for God to act … Merry Christmas. It is That Simple.

Spiritual Growth
I was asked to define spiritual growth. Some say that it is learning the Bible, others say that it’s a combination of prayer, worship, and witnessing, while others define it as getting active in a ministry. All of them are correct … there isn’t just one answer to this question. However, let me say that spiritual growth happens when the heart of the person changes. In Matthew Chapter 7, people were healing people, and casting out demons in His name but Jesus said, “He never knew them.” So, it’s not just appearing spiritual, it is how spiritual knowledge changes your life in knowing Jesus. The Ephesian Church of Revelation Chapter 2 is an example of growing successful in spiritual things but failed to keep Jesus first. Spiritual growth is the growth that happens in the heart. It is That Simple.

What is gratitude? Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for the good things in life. However, our society is full of anger. Everywhere you look, anger seems to be center stage. A life lived in anger becomes an enemy of gratitude. There are many things that can cause anger, but the Scriptures teach that anger does not produce the righteousness of God. The Holiday Season is a time to reset attitudes about many things. Jesus told us that if we live by mercy and forgiveness, both will be given to us. I don’t know about you, but I need a lot of both. Living in an attitude of thankfulness will always translate into a life of encouragement. People who encourage others are people who start with a heart filled with Thanksgiving. It is That Simple.

Thanksgiving is more than turkey and family. As good as it is to get together with family, the spirit of thanksgiving is at the heart of humility. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to acknowledge how grateful we are for the things that matter. The older I get, the more I realize how important others are in my life. We learn to live with the loss of significant family members, but at Thanksgiving we acknowledge their sacrifices in helping us succeed. On Thanksgiving, we are thankful for forgiveness, mercy, and the patience of a God who wants nothing but His best for all of us. Humility is the heart of Thanksgiving … knowing that gratefulness always has the ear of God as we say thank you. It is That Simple.

Honesty with No Apology
The sermon was intense, and the pastor apologized for its honest approach. I thought, “Why apologize for being honest and telling the truth?” Jesus never did. Jesus told the religious leaders of His day, “You don’t practice what you teach.” That was honest. Yet most religious people don’t think of themselves as hypocrites, its beneath them. Jesus was honest about sin, and He said we are all guilty. He was also honest about people loving darkness rather than the light because they didn’t want their evil exposed. Jesus was also honest about hell … He said it was forever, and it was avoidable. His mission was salvation for everyone. His promise was honest too. “For all who believe in Him, will have eternal life.” Jesus is always honest with no apology. It is That Simple.

Prophets and Jesus
Everything repeats itself. Solomon told us that history repeats itself, and that it was God’s design. What is repeating is the message the prophets gave to Israel. “You make for yourselves idols and you ignore God.” That was primarily the message the prophets delivered to Israel throughout their history. Then Jesus arrives and says, “I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword.” Why the sword? He is the division that separates us from the conditions the prophets spoke against. The prophets delivered the message … Jesus delivered the solution. Today, the conditions that the prophets spoke about are repeating in our modern world. America is full of idols, and the land ignores God. The solution Jesus provided is also ignored, so as Solomon said, history does repeats itself. Nothing new under the sun. It is That Simple.

Grace is the main message of the Gospel. Jesus came to reveal this grace which defines God. I follow three principles that grace helped me to develop. Firstly, keep it simple … grace is not over complicated. Secondly, focus on clarity. Iif you don’t keep it clear, grace can get overly theological. Lastly, don’t give up. God’s grace never changes. The pressures in life are constant too … they are designed to make you quit. Christian living is a marathon … it’s long, it takes emotional endurance, and it takes spiritual stamina to finish. Simplicity, clarity, and determination are ways that I stay focused. It is That Simple.

The Experience of the Cross
When I think of the Cross, I ask what did Jesus endure? So, let’s discover His experience. I am a worm, despised by everyone. I am mocked, I am surrounded by bulls, lions, packs of dogs, my life is poured out like water, my bones are all out of joint, my heart is like wax, melting within. I have no strength, my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth, and I am left in the dust to die. The worst of it was His agony of being alone … our sin was separating Him from His Father. What is portrayed on the Cross? The description of His torment was our sins. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the Cross, disregarding its shame. It is That Simple.

Grace and Restitution
Grace and restitution are not mutually exclusive. Grace is what salvation is based upon, and you do nothing to obtain it. Restitution, on the other hand, is your witness of accepting that grace. The fruit of repentance is how you react to your past. People can’t really know how God has changed their life, until you give them reasons to take notice. Making restitution on a promise not kept, or making good on a business deal gone bad, or even an apology for being a bad spouse. The point of the witness is that you have accepted the grace of salvation, and you have accepted the responsibility to make right what was wrong in your relationships. The grace of God is free … restitution is your witness of accepting it. It is That Simple.

What follows you? The Bible proclaims that if you have faith, miraculous signs will accompany you, or can we say, “Follow you.” Recently, I had this thought. “Can I believe God for bigger things?” Bigger things simply are the miraculous being present in my now and in my future. The Bible teaches that miracles follow those who believe in God. One of the signs miracles are real is the nation of Israel. It is a miracle they continue to stand against their enemies. Yet, you too are a miracle … standing for your belief in God in a culture devoid of Him. As believers, we are the signs that say, “God is that miracle you have always wanted.” Miracles should not be the exception … they should be the rule, to those who believe in God. It is That Simple.

Hearers vs Doers
God’s issue with Israel was simple. “My people are destroyed because they don’t know Me.” There was no knowledge of God in the land. Remember, this was Israel … they had God’s laws, covenants, miracles, and had victories over their enemies. Isaiah said, “They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.” America has Christian Words being spoken in over 400,000 Churches every week. We have 1,600 Christian radio stations pumping out the Words 24/7. Yet, there seems to be no knowledge of God in the land. The Prophets spoke for God by saying, “Where is your heart for God?” We too listen to all the Words, but do our hearts change? Hearers of the Word never change anything … it’s the doers that change the world. It is That Simple.

Prayer Has Reality
I wondered if I prayed for these things, if God would answer. So, here goes. “I pray for the boldness of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the mercy of Jesus, and the theology of Paul.” How’s that for a list? I suppose God might answer this way, “You are now learning how boldness, wisdom, mercy, and theology work, and when you are taught by these characteristics, then they will be yours. Well, I tried, and I suppose I can’t expect the reward of having these traits without going through what it takes for all those attributes to shape my life. So, I changed my prayer. “Lord, give me patience, grace, guidance, and the desire to finish well honoring your Name. Amen. Even prayer has a reality to it. It is That Simple.

Prayer Has Reality
I wondered if I prayed for these things, if God would answer. So, here goes. “I pray for the boldness of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the mercy of Jesus, and the theology of Paul.” How’s that for a list? I suppose God might answer this way, “You are now learning how boldness, wisdom, mercy, and theology work, and when you are taught by these characteristics, then they will be yours. Well, I tried, and I suppose I can’t expect the reward of having these traits without going through what it takes for all those attributes to shape my life. So, I changed my prayer. “Lord, give me patience, grace, guidance, and the desire to finish well honoring your Name. Amen. Even prayer has a reality to it. It is That Simple.

God Never Changes
God never changes. Solomon says that whatever God does is final. God never changes. The Hebrew writer says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God never changes. In the Book of Numbers, it is written that He is not like man who changes his mind. God never changes. James says that with God there is no change or variation. God never changes. So, God is unchanging, always truthful, merciful, and forgiving. God never changes. When God says He forgives us, it means He removes all sin without a trace. It is as if it never existed. God never changes. When God says all who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life, His Words are final. This is the first principle in His Kingdom … the King does not change. It is That Simple.

Differences are a good thing. However, today we are removing all differences to make everything the same. The Prophet Isaiah confirmed that good will be said to be bad, and bad be said to be good … in other words, easing all the differences. Today, we want a neutral based world. Yet, God says there are differences. The Book of Malachi says that God will reveal the differences between the righteous and the wicked, so we will know who serves God and who does not. He defines things by differences, in our world, we want everything defined as the same. The biggest difference God sees is the difference between us and Him. He is God, we are not. This world is His, not ours, and salvation belongs to Him, and Him alone. That is why differences matter. It is That Simple.

Two Many Words
I love the wisdom of Solomon. Some have asked me, “Why are your posts are so short?” Solomon says, “Too many words, makes you a fool, the more words you speak, the less they mean.” Okay, whether you agree or not, there is an art of making a point with less words. Commercials make their point in 60 seconds or less, and we often are convinced of what they are selling, and we go buy the product. So, what am I saying? Learn to speak with less words and make every word count with meaning. Think about the meaning of less words, such as, “I love you, or I am sorry, or great job.” Less words … big meaning. Think about your words, pack them with meaning and you will use less of them. It is That Simple.

Evil Acknowledged
The Prophet Joel speaks to how evil (locusts) in various ways can bring destruction to the land. The locusts are devastating, and each category of locusts do a specific work to destroy the crop. Evil comes in like a flood, like a swarm of locusts … that is how evil works. Evil comes to overwhelm, overpower, and overwork the systems of this world, and it is God who raises up a standard against it. Christians are reminded that the Scriptures teach that evil comes to rob, steal, and destroy everything it touches. Evil can only be defeated by God, His Word, and the Church. Jesus knew about the power of evil as He taught us to pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” It is That Simple.

The Worse Day in History?
I know it doesn’t feel good when your candidate doesn’t win. I’m surprised over the vitriol that is heard online about the election. It’s an election, in 4 years there will be another one, and we will do it all over again. I heard some young people say, “It was the worst day in history.” So, losing an election was the worse day in history? Really? You mean it was worse than six million Jews killed in Nazi Germany, worse than the Pearl Harbor attack, and even worse than those planes flying into the World Trade Towers? Yes, your candidate lost, but the reality is it was not the worse day in history. The worse day in history is when we don’t educate our children to be so naïve. It is That Simple.

Faith is Seeing Tomorrow
Recently, I had eye surgery and much of my day what I was seeing was a blur. I realized that if I closed my eyes, everything seemed normal. All my feelings, my hearing, my touch was all intact … I just couldn’t see. It reminded me that we walk by faith, not by sight, and that the promises of God give us sight our eyes do not. Most of our lives are lived in a blur … we only see what is in front of us in the moment, but seeing into tomorrow is not afforded our human eyes … that takes seeing by faith. What we see by faith is the evidence of what we cannot see. Faith produces the evidence that God is real and brings clarity to our lives. It is That Simple.

Mercy and Truth
I love to be reminded that when we search for God, we find Him in two places … mercy and truth. “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth.” (Psalm 25:10) What caught my eye was that ‘all the paths,’ lead us in finding God in mercy and in truth. Everything around us leads to achievement and little of it has to do with mercy and truth. Yet, God builds His Kingdom on these two values. I had to ask myself; “Do I build my life on these two values? How does mercy play out in my daily speech, or actions? How does truth intersect in my day as I encounter others?” In all directions leading to the real God of the universe, is a path of mercy and truth. It is That Simple..

One World Government
Politics are dividing us in America. My personal belief is that the differences between the parties will only get worse … perhaps a sign our demise. The Bible is clear, the end of days are political days highlighting the intrigue of a world leader and a one world government. In America, our house is divided and historically all great empires were destroyed from within long before they were defeated from outside forces. Can America survive our worldview differences? “An enemy will overrun your land, pull down your strongholds and plunder your fortresses.” (Amos 3:11) Have our differences become that enemy? At the end of the day, our hope needs more substance than our politics. That substance is God, and He still loves people, regardless of their differences. It is That Simple.

I keep hearing about the lack of interest in voting by Evangelicals. Researcher George Barna says, “There are 35 million Evangelicals who don’t vote.” I don’t know if this is true or not, but there is a connection between the voting booth and the pulpit. Those who make the laws matter. If the pulpit is to remain free in America, we need to vote for people who will keep it that way. My greatest fear for America is the silencing of our pulpits. Pastors are already afraid to speak boldly about the evils in our land because of the cancel culture. The prophet Ezekiel warned about leaders who were afraid to warn people of the dangers approaching them. Please vote … protect our pulpits from laws that will censor Americans. It is That Simple.

Intake Matters
What goes in, is what comes out. Jesus said out of the heart the mouth speaks, so what people speak comes directly from their heart. Listening to people in the workplace, you hear the anger about their employment. In the news, you hear stories of hatred, the noise of victimization, and the distain for leadership. If you listen to CNN or NPR or Fox or Newsmax, you will repeat what you hear. In the same manner, people become physically unhealthy by what they eat, people become unhealthy by what they consume from the culture. The Bible teaches that man shall not live by bread alone, but by the very Words of God. The intake of culture matters, because out of your mouth will come what you have digested by your sources of information. It is That Simple.

In the military, you learn two things immediately. (1) Authority is supreme. (2) You protect those around you. The military knows that an army will never be effective doing their own thing … there must be authority giving the orders. As a follower of Christ, there is only one authority giving the orders. Without honoring His authority, you will not succeed much like you won’t in the military. Honoring authority keeps you directed and safe. The Bible says to obey your leaders and submit to them. Why? They keep watch over you. Authority trains you to watch the back of others. “I got your six” in the military means, where you are most vulnerable … I got you covered. Obey authority and play by the rule of watching the back of others. It is That Simple.

Unity for Innovation
Culture was created by an act of God. In Genesis Chapter 11, people had one language creating one culture. When God saw their prideful lives, He confused their language and scattered them across the land. Language was the greatest contributor to societies where culture developed around a people group speaking the same language. Cultural nationalism developed, and nations were born. Today, language is not as much of a barrier, and cultural differences are embraced and celebrated. However, that prideful spirit in Genesis Chapter 11 has surfaced again. The culture of human accomplishment is quickly becoming the new religion among nations. This new religion will give way to what the Bible describes as a world dictator who will reconnect everyone under one culture again. His plan will focus on unity for innovation. It is That Simple.

Life is Messy
Life is messy. If you think you will sustain a perfectly ordered life, you are greatly mistaken. Part of the reason why life is messy, is because everything in this world is broken. The best we can plan for is using the broken pieces, to redeem the messiness into something that works in the best interests of living out a productive life. This is why God’s grace is so important to embrace. It is His wavier to all the mess. One of the worse life choices is self-righteousness, thinking you are better than you really are, and it gets worse when you look at others through that lens. Listen, keep this perspective about the mess and God’s grace … All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. It is That Simple

Noah’s Day
The story of Noah in the Old Testament and the judgment in the New Testament are quite similar. Noah’s day was about the arrogance of man’s heart, and in the end, the Bible says that same arrogance is repeated. Jesus told us this would be the case, “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day.” What was Jesus saying? The end will be like the beginning. Noah was building a boat for 75 years, but people had no need for a boat. Why? It had never rained on the earth, so, no need for a boat. Today, people see the Gospel as boat building, no need for it. But Jesus told us to pay attention to Noah’s day when boats were not needed, until it began to rain. It is That Simple.

The One Book
The man asked why he should take the Old Testament seriously. Well, quite simple. God chose a family to be His conduit to redeem humanity. That family we call ‘the Jews.’ They received God’s Laws and Covenants required for redemption. This family was to be a light to the nations on His behalf, but they failed. The history of God’s story started with this family, and through them a Savior for the world was born. Yes, the Old Testament is important because it tells a narrative forecasting a Savior. Reading the Bible is one story, told in two parts. The man asked, “Is the Old Testament important?” I answered, “Yes, because without the Old Testament you would not have the New Testament.” Genesis through Revelation, one Book, one story, one Savior. It is That Simple

The Scriptures teach that God will shake the heavens and the earth. According to the Book of Hebrews, His shaking is to remove things that are temporary, to make way for the permanent. The earth and all its contents are temporary, prone to being shaken. What we thought was true, is not. What we thought could never change, suddenly does. What we possess will be lost, and age will make us long for yesterday. God uses the shaking to present us with His unshakable Kingdom that is permanent. Look around you, what hasn’t been shaken in our day? Even the faith of some has been shaken, primarily because it wasn’t faith in God. The entire religious world was shaken by Jesus in His day, and a new movement started … He is doing it again.

Jesus is a Jew
I finished Seminary when I finally got it. Got what, you ask? That the Bible was a Jewish document about a Jewish Messiah. I know I am a slow learner, but I also learned about denominations, and Jesus wasn’t a part of any of them. He wasn’t Baptist, or Pentecostal, or Methodist, or Lutheran, and He wasn’t a Catholic … He was Jewish. That’s right, the Bible is about a Jewish Messiah, who also is the Savior of the world. What else was I slow to learn? Jesus was a Jew, and when He returns to earth, His ethnicity will still be Jewish. He is coming back as a Jew to Jerusalem, to rule the earth. Yes, the earth will have a Jewish King. No wonder the Jews are so hated.

The Barna report states that 61% of adults use pornography. I believe pornography is an evil substitute for what is real in a relationship. You might think that a post about holiness is frivolous because it seems so old school, but it is one of those missing themes in today’s Church. The Scriptures teach that holiness is an objective of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Why then has holiness fallen from grace? Culture does not make it easy to keep anything holy. However, it is not impossible. How, can a young person stay pure? By obeying His Word. Perhaps defining ‘holy’ might give an answer why it is a missing theme today. Holy … dedicated or consecrated to God. Mystery solved. It is that simple.

Losing Your Place in Line
The issues for most Americans focus on the economy, health care, Supreme Court appointments, foreign policy, violent crime, immigration, gun policy, abortion, racial and ethnic inequality, and climate change. However important these issues are to you, there is another issue few are talking about … the loss of our freedom of speech. Here is my fear if we don’t vote. Canada has enacted laws that labeled some moral values as hate speech. Regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on, freedom to speak your mind has always been our right as Americans. If we don’t vote our values, we could lose the right to express them. This is an example of losing your place in line. The latest statistic is that only 1 in 3 Christians vote.

His Return
From time to time, we hear that Jesus is coming back. Messages that address the Second Coming of Jesus are heard less in most Churches than they had in past generations. Most of the time, the main emphasis is on His rule and reign from Jerusalem. However, His return is not for salvation, and it’s not just for His government ruling the earth … He is returning for judgment. Did you hear that? The rider in Revelation Chapter 19 is not a rider whose calm demeanor will be to win people to His side … His demeanor is to judge the world. I think that may be one of the reasons many pastors do not preach much on this theme. His return equals judgment. Not a happy theme, but it is the truth.

A Meaningful Life
What makes life meaningful? If you asked ten people this question, you would get ten different answers. Meaning is based upon experiences. If you have had meaningful experiences, you probably have a meaningful life. However, so many people have few meaningful experiences. Some try to find meaning within themselves, their pursuit of self-enhancements … from education to achieving a business acumen are all common in this pursuit. Family, friends, marriage are all pursuits where we look to find meaning. But is it enough? I believe that creation has an emptiness that is natural. I believe that is the reason we search for meaning. This emptiness was designed to be filled by only one thing … God. Meaning is important, and it is elusive if you aren’t looking for it in the right place.

God’s Values are Absent
Recently, there was an arrest of several juveniles in the Twin Cities. Three boys ages 11, 12, 13, and two girls, ages 14 and 12. Their crime? Burglaries at gun point and carjacking. According to national statistics, 45% of juveniles commit felonies crimes. When I was a child, I broke windows and stole candy bars … that was a big crime in those days. When I was older, we got into fights and it was a one punch ordeal, and it was done. Today, we shoot bullets and stab people. What’s the difference? Three reasons. (1) Families have changed. (2) Culture targets kids with wrong images. (3) God’s values are absent. Romans 1 tells us God gives us over to our sin to prove that without Him we will implode.

Where Mercy Collided with Justice
There was one time in history where the mercy of God collided with the justice of God and that was at the Cross. Today, I sense we may have lost the power in the message of the Cross. I know we sing less songs about it than we once did in the past. The Cross was both mercy and justice … the two sides of God became emmeshed as one as Jesus died for all mankind. Forgiveness is not just a temporary release by God … it is forever. Every morning, I am reminded that yesterday is forgiven, and today I live as a child of the Cross, where mercy met justice, and both were applied to me. Let us never forget that all we do as the church is a result of the Cross.

When Honor is Not Close to You
A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown, and among his relatives, and in his own household. (Mark 6:4) There is something about this verse that has never made sense to me, but I know it’s true. The closer someone is to us, the less we listen to them. There is something about familiarity that we do not trust. I can go places and be accepted for what I say, but it is not always that way with those closest to me. I suppose those closest to me see all the warts and wrinkles, and therefore I get dismissed as just another human being with problems. My prayer would be to go beyond the familiarity and begin to trust those closest to us. It could change the dynamics in your closest relationships.

Socialism in Church
Recently, John Cooper of Skillet spoke about Marxism creeping into the Church. I have worried about this for many years. In fact, I no longer refer to anybody as leftists, I have substituted socialists or socialism instead. However, there are no perfect liberal or conservative beliefs, because both systems were designed by human endeavors, creating short comings in both. What we should hear in Church, however, is not about the flawed political systems, but about a Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is perfect, and people who get into that Kingdom all must come the same way … through Jesus. His Kingdom is forever, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.” Now that is worth hearing about in Church!

Religious Spin
I have said it before that I am not religious, but I take Jesus seriously. Too much is said today that sounds like good doctrine, but most of it is simply religious pontification, while ignoring the Jesus of the Bible. If your doctrine feeds the poor, heals the sick, and brings the Good News to those who need it the most, then I would say that you might have good doctrine. To me, the Church needs another Spiritual Reformation, one that reduces all the religious spin down to, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” These words from Jesus I take seriously, and they don’t need any religious spin.

Are You Ready?
I have prayed for strength, and what I got was struggle. I have prayed, God help me to be an influence, and what I got was resistance. I have asked that my path in life be straight, simple, and succinct, and what I got was crooked, complex, and compounded. So, naturally I asked God, “What’s up? Why, no matter what I pray for, it comes out just the opposite?” I heard Him ask me, “Can you run a marathon?” I answered, “No, of course not, my legs are weak, and my lungs are shot.” “Well then,” God says, “You are not ready for those things you asked for either.” James the Apostle explains, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”

Loving This World
The Bible tells us that we should not love the world, and when we do, we make ourselves enemies of God. This seems harsh, doesn’t it? Well, the First and Second Commandment tell us that God wants nothing to come before Him. So, if we love this world more than Him, doesn’t that dishonor God? It is our pride that makes us love this world. Isn’t pride what God says He resists? So, if we love this world more than we love God, are we not making the creation more important than the Creator? When this happens, God refuses to stop the unrighteous behavior … He gives them over to whatever they want to do. So, they love their evil more than God and become His enemy.

A Better World
People say this world is all they know; therefore, it is important to them. I understand this sentiment, because it was once me. This world is important, but I have learned there is more to this world than what you see. Jesus came into our world for two reasons … to be visible proof of the unseen world of His Father, and to save this world by forgiving sin. These two contributions changed the world. Jesus became real and lives among us. His forgiveness is real … restoring the future with God we never had. If we want a better world, we have to become better people. Jesus offers us a better world by helping us become better people. The world is a better place when we allow Jesus to change our lives.

Pastor Heath Beard in a recent sermon asked, “What do we trust in the most?” That, of course, will depend on how much we are impacted by this world. Pastor Heath said, “Our hearts follow what we value, this will determine how our life is defined.” Our barns are full of what we value, yet Jesus said, “Store things in heaven, where moths or rust, or thieves cannot destroy.” Saving things in heaven means we live by a different value system. However, every day we are all bombarded by over 4,000 advertisements trying to get us to fill up our barns. What do you value? Don’t play the ‘enough’ game … you will never be a winner. You win when your values go beyond yourself. Do yourself a favor, listen to the sermon.

Pastor Heath Beard said in a recent sermon, “You looked like your parents when you were born, but you look like your decisions when you die.” Pastor Heath also said, “You can’t serve God and Mammon. You will serve one or the other. We often translate Mammon as wealth, but it is more sinister than just money.” Personally, I think this pastor is right. The spirit of Mammon is the root of all evil. It feeds itself on pleasure, power, and prestige. During the Middle Ages, Mammon was commonly personified as the demon of wealth and greed. This is the image Pastor Heath was conveying as he described Mammon, making the point that pursuing this spirit called Mammon, will influence your decision not to serve God … that is an eternal mistake.

The Other Side
There are two sides to everything. There are two sides to every story, there are two sides of good and evil, and there are even two sides of nature. The beauty of a summer’s day versus the hurricane season in the Southeast is an alarming contrast of nature’s two sides. The two sides of God are also quite a contrast. The redemptive side of God is what we mostly relate to, but it’s the side of justice we have a hard time justifying. How can God have these two sides? Isn’t He always love? Yes, but He is always just also. The Proverb writer tells us, “The first to speak in court sounds right, until the cross-examination begins.” It is easy to accept only one side … until the other side shows up.

Small Words
We think that it is always the big things that matter, but not so fast. The bridle, the rudder, and the spark are all small things that control bigger results. The Apostle James tells us this as he relates it to the tongue. In the same manner, smaller words have the same kind of effect with big results. I love you doesn’t change the direction of a nation, but it could change the heart of a person. I am sorry isn’t a going to win a Pulitzer Prize, but it repairs a broken relationship. I forgive you is not going to end a war, but it will start a new beginning. You don’t have to move mountains with your words, just be cool to do the small things … it does matter.

Fancy Lies
I have discovered that excuses are just fancy lies. We use excuses for everything. My favorite is … I don’t feel well. It kills the obligation in its tracks. Was it true? No, it was just a fancy lie. I couldn’t tell the truth, so I invented an excuse. What’s your favorite excuse? Everyone has one. I have known people whose entire life was one continuous excuse, and no one ever told them they were just a fancy liar. Jesus asked a man to follow Him, and the man gave Him an excuse, “Let me go first and bury my father.” Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their own dead, you go do God’s Work.” Jesus sees through excuses. He sees them for what they are … fancy lies.

The Vine
Followers of Jesus are described as branches. They are feed from a vine. The root of the vine feeds these branches which produces fruit. In fact, Jesus said the branches cannot bear fruit by themselves. What kind of fruit are we expecting from being connected? Any fruit expected must start with the vine … nothing can be expected without it. The fruit is always dependent upon this connection. Today, we are more connected than ever before in history. Our connections are swift, and the world is at our fingertips. Yet, the only connection that matters is the connection with God. Our society is crumbling. Why? It is not connected to what gives life. There is no mystery here, detach from the vine, you die. It is that simple.

Discernment in an Era of Opinion
Discernment is one of those gifts that so needed today. I have always said that one of the hardest issues in today’s world is to know what is true. I have learned that my opinion often is fed by sources that may not have it quite right … even sources we would think would not be bias or misleading such as pastors. Just because it is said from a pulpit does not instantly translate to being truthful. I can honestly say that I have preached my opinion many times and used Scripture to verify it. I don’t recommend it, but it is more common than you think. So, discernment is critical in an era where opinion rules. God’s Word is the best discernment guide around … I hope you have discovered it.

Four Dangerous Words
Michael Oh, global executive director of the Lausanne Movement, addressing the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism said, “There are four words that are dangerous to this movement … pride, parochialism, isolation, and arrogance.” Pride and arrogance will always be an enemy to progress. Parochialism only concerns a local area, is narrow-minded, or not open to new ideas. Isolation does not see the bigger picture. I have learned that Christianity is never about a denomination or a theology that separates from others. It is a movement of Christ followers who have denied their preferences, prefer the message of the Cross overall, and works as one to make Him known. This is the essence of who we are as Christians. Anything less than this is an anathema to our Savior.

Place God First
It has been said, “What is done in the Church is often done in the flesh, and what is done in the flesh stays in the flesh.” What that means is simple. What is done in our strength stays in our strength. Great projects, big events, and insightful teachings can all be done without His help. When it is done without Him it only has the potential to be here and now. When God is involved, it has an eternal purpose, and it goes beyond our efforts. Many ministries are done in the flesh. Once the founder is gone, so is the ministry. Why? It began in the flesh … it will stay in the flesh. The moral of the story is simple … place God first in all your plans.

Does God test people? Exodus 16:4 says He does. God gives his reason, “That I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not.” The test is usually about your willingness to keep God a priority in your life. I am telling God all the time that I love Him, and then, I get the test. I hear Him say, “How did you love Me when you were so disrespectful in your attitude?” Okay, I failed the test. Now what? Do I flunk out with God? Tests are God’s way to help us know more about ourselves in our struggle to keep trusting Him. What I love about His grace is that He allows do-overs after the test. When I am weak, He is strong. He becomes my do-over.

Wrong Crowd
When I was a kid, I was accused of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Did it affect me? Of course. I was in trouble all the time, so I understood the power of association. Jesus also was accused with hanging out with the wrong crowd. The religious crowd had judged the wrong crowd as despicable, and Jesus was considered detestable for wanting to hang out with these people. Religion has its own culture, and that culture picks and chooses who is in and who is not. Jesus chose to be with those who were not in. Here, the Founder of what is called Christianity would rather eat and hang out with the outcasts than He did with the religious folks. This is so classical Jesus. I feel right at home with Him.

Why do people resist believing in Jesus? John in his Gospel tells us two reasons that belief is resisted. Firstly, people believe in the works of evil, and secondly, they want to see signs and wonders. Jesus confronted evil and cast it out, and He did signs and wonders to strengthen His message. Christianity in the 1st Century had faith to confront evil and did signs and wonders that accompanied their message. As a result, they changed the world. However, as the Scriptures teach, the power isn’t in the authority over evil, or the signs and wonders … it is in the Name of Jesus. It is in His Name that Salvation is possible, and it is in His Name that miracles are done. His Name is the key to heaven and having power on earth.

It must have been awkward. Caught in adultery and publicly exposed. The Pharisees didn’t care that the law required the man and the woman both to be condemned. They only needed one to test this Galilean in the Temple. Testing Him to see if he was a true teacher of the law. If He was, He would condemn her. Instead, Jesus placed these religious leaders on trial by using the law to judge their own sin. Jesus implied two things. (1) Be self-aware and judge yourself before you judge others. (2) Mercy triumphs over Judgment. Could the writing that Jesus was doing on the ground be ‘all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.’ The law condemns the sinner, but the mercy of God always forgives the sinner.

The World
I was reviewing John 3:16, focusing on the believing and the everlasting life promise. Yet God makes a declaration in the opening of this verse that is critical. “God so loved the world,” which means everyone. He uses the term world, indicating those do not know Him, yet. The question I asked myself, “Shouldn’t I too love those who God says He loves?” The nature of most churches is that we spend a great deal of time with the already convinced, and much less time on the world … you know, those that God says He loves. Jesus said, “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Again, the mission of Jesus is to love the world.

His Image
Have you given back to God what you have stolen from Him? The Bible says that the earth and everything in it belongs to God and He owns it. All people belong to God, so when we say racists remarks we are stealing God’s image and trashing His creation. When we say someone is a moron or stupid, we are stealing God’s image and trashing His creation. When we hate political candidates, who are not of our party, we are stealing God’s image and trashing His creation. Everyone is made in God’s image, and no one has the right to steal an image of God to abuse it and speak evil of it. Remember, what you say about others, you say it about Jesus … His words not mine.

Women are Incredible
Women are incredible. My wife finds everything I lose and can’t find. She knows where everything is in the house, without question. She edits my writings and corrects the spelling. She does the laundry, because I shrink everything. She keeps the refrigerator stocked with food and pulls together a dinner menu every night. She finds the best movies to go see, and she always pulls together our friends to go out for dinner. She has shoveled snow, cut the grass, and weeded gardens. She works full time and in her spare time she got her conceal and carry permit. I guess it makes me wonder, why she needs me? I suppose you’re wondering that too. Women are incredible, and I thank God for the one He gave me.

Women are Incredible
Women are incredible. My wife finds everything I lose and can’t find. She knows where everything is in the house, without question. She edits my writings and corrects the spelling. She does the laundry, because I shrink everything. She keeps the refrigerator stocked with food and pulls together a dinner menu every night. She finds the best movies to go see, and she always pulls together our friends to go out for dinner. She has shoveled snow, cut the grass, and weeded gardens. She works full time and in her spare time she got her conceal and carry permit. I guess it makes me wonder, why she needs me? I suppose you’re wondering that too. Women are incredible, and I thank God for the one He gave me.

Death of a Brother
The Bible teaches us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. I experienced that this week when my brother died. He was on full life support for a week and died yesterday. As I walked around his house I could see the remnants of his life. The wisdom of that moment taught me that you leave in the same manner that you came … it all stays behind. Death doesn’t stop life; it transforms it into the permanent state of the soul, the part of us that lasts forever. My walk also reminded me that wisdom says to the count days, because death comes to all. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Count each of your days with this idea … He has your death covered.

Humpy Dumpy
Jacob lied. Moses was murdered. Saul hunted down Christians. David had an affair. Peter disowned Jesus. God used every single one of these people to build His Kingdom. You are never too far gone for God to use. Don’t let the Devil steal your story, let Christ rewrite it. I am amazed at some of the heroes in the Scriptures. King David especially. His adultery and lies that led to murder, and yet God identified him as a man after God’s heart. God uses broken people to bring hope to a broken world. We have all fallen, like Humpy Dumpy, broken, but still usable because of His mercy and grace that puts us back together again. God does not discard … He repurposes.

God is Among Us
The preacher said, “We don’t need another worship service, what we need are services where God is among us to set us free.” In other words, people come to Church and leave the same way they came … still struggling, still questioning. I must admit, most Church services are predictable. I know that doesn’t make me popular with the preachers, but here is some advice from the pew, “We don’t care about your recent theology revelation, we need to hear from God and be moved to know that God is working among us.” The teachings of Jesus often led to miracles among the people, and His presence gave them hope. Perhaps the preacher is right … we need services where God is allowed to be among us to set us free.

Since 1973, there have been 63,400,000 abortions. Mother Teresa told U.S. political leaders in 1994, "Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want.” She is right, nothing about abortion is about love. Oprah Winfrey should get an Oscar for her hypocrisy. Oprah has said in the past that she was so glad her mother didn’t abort her, and then at the recent DNC, she endorsed the freedom of reproductive health. How about the 63 million other Oprah’s who were not as lucky as her? The greater sin of abortion is the lie that supports it. “I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion, because it is a war against the child.” ~Mother Teresa

The Lie Versus the Truth
To me, you live with truth, or you live with a lie. The greatest lie says, “You are sufficient, you are enough.” If you live 70 years, just think of all the lies your life has accumulated. A couple of hundred, a couple of thousand, millions? Seriously, life is filled with lies, and the hardest part of life is to admit we live with them. The Bible teaches that ‘the heart is desperately wicked, beyond cure.’ So, without the help of God, your heart is uncurable and prone to lies. How’s that for a diagnosis? The truth is that God says He is the truth that sets us free. Jesus said it clearly, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The lie dismisses Jesus because the truth is harder to accept.

Dogs With No Bark
Watchman are people gifted in discernment. They are usually thought of as persons who have some level of credibility such as a pastor, elder or in leadership in the church. Isaiah 56:10 is a citation from the prophet toward watchman who do not warn, who are lazy, self-centered, and greedy. Watchman means ‘one who looks out.’ In the New Testament, the Hebrew writer says, “Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God.” Isaiah says these watchmen are dogs with no bark. A dog with no bark is not a watchdog, which translates into no warning for impending danger. The American pulpit needs watchmen again who are not afraid to stand their ground in defending what is right and just in the eyes of God.

Recently, I heard a preacher say, “A church with no fight is worthless.” He went on to say, “Christianity must develop a backbone again.” Perhaps we have tried too hard not to offend anyone and settled for peace at all costs. However, there is a cost in telling the truth because people want God on their terms. Evil always has an opinion and its main emphasis is to ‘silence’ the truth. The truth is the backbone of the Church, and Jesus told us to shout it from the housetops. Voices of the majority will attack before they retreat, but although public opinion may rule for now, God always has the last word. The backbone of David facing Goliath was God and it was all he needed to stay in the fight.

The Traps
In Luke 21:34, there is an admonition from Jesus concerning the last days. He said don’t let dissipation, drunkenness, and the cares of this life weigh you down. Dissipation is unlimited pleasure, a state of squandering. But then He goes on to say that these conditions will come like a trap, on the entire world. That is sobering. Everyone on earth will face these traps. Then Jesus says, “Always stay awake, and pray you will have the strength to escape these traps.” Staying awake is developing a self-awareness, and the strength we pray for is the discernment to know and identify the spirit of this age. Simply put, know self, know the age. Not being aware, and not having the strength of discernment is the easiest way to getting trapped.

Prosperity Gospel
I just read about another Christian leader whose idea of prosperity is a jet. Let me be clear. The prosperity gospel is not a gospel, it is a philosophy that uses God to get at an end. God does give us prosperity. (1) The prosperity of the Holy Spirit. (2) The prosperity of the Word of God. (3) The prosperity of the promises of God. Man’s idea of prosperity are jets, million-dollar homes, and a large donor base. This is not prosperity … it is a marketing scheme to promote a lifestyle built on a lie. Our Lord gave us His kind of prosperity and it was imaged by a Cross. Anything that tries to compete with it is at best idolatry. It is time to say Ichabod to the prosperity gospel.

The Top Five Sins
I was asked what the top five sins of behavior are, so here is what I said. Pedophilia, incest, betrayal, treason, and murder. Well, in my mind it sounded good. However, God had the five already, I just had to go to the Ten Commandments to find them. Here they are … murder, adultery, stealing, lying, and greed. I guess my five could be a subset of God’s five. These are the sins of relationship, they mirror human behavior at its worst, and they are committed by all of us. The first five commandments have to do with God, and they are in order of importance. Notice, God didn’t start the order with the sins of relationship, He started with the sins against Himself … because that too is a relationship.

Mercy vs Religion
James tells us faith and works are together. Jesus taught there will be a judgment of the nations in Matthew Chapter 25. This judgment will be a judgment of compassion. The sheep represented those who lived in mercy and had compassion toward people. The goats represented those who had no compassion and only used people to get what they wanted. I have known believers who had a Bible Verse for everyone, but had no compassion for anyone. Jesus said, “I want mercy, and not sacrifice.” (Religion) Faith knows God and does compassion as a result. These days, I live to repudiate religious thought for the simple joy of knowing Jesus. Let me declare, “I am not religious, I just love Jesus.” I should make a t-shirt.

Unrestrained Evil
Judges 17:6 says, “In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” Leadership isn’t about power … it’s about influence. The Gospel is that influence, it started with the death of a Jewish man, and He changed civilization. Jesus prophesied this world will lose Godly influence and it will implode. (Matthew 24:22) He was making a point; ‘unrestrained evil will be the norm of the day.’ What I’m hearing coming from a convention in Chicago has the potential to fulfill that prophecy. Now is the time for Godly leaders to put down their differences and unite in prayer. Remember, prophecy given by Jesus will only be defeated by God. The Church cannot be silent in prayer … our future depends on it.

Losing God’s Voice
I was cutting my grass and weeping. I was listening to a sermon: “Losing God’s Voice and Being Left with My Own.” The message describes a godless Christian who wants God for Salvation and wants God when there is a cancer diagnosis, yet will live most of their life without God. We direct our lives without consulting God about anything, like the Laodicean Church which said they are rich and without want … God says they were poor and in great need. There is much more to it, so I decided to share the sermon with you. This is a sermon, so please listen to it until you finish it, just as if you were sitting there in Church. This is Tim Delina from Times Square Church in New York City. Losing God’s Voice and Being Left with My Own

God at Work
How do you know if God is working in your Church? The Apostle Paul gives us his advice. “Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace.” Then he says, “Then the God of love and peace will be with you.” Now, he was addressing the Corinth Church and there were a lot of issues in that Church. However, Paul thought they could do better, so these are the questions we need to ask. (1) Do you see God working these areas in your church? (2) Does the community who are not in your Church see God in your Church? The Church is about learning Jesus and then to do Jesus, in other words … Know Jesus … Make Him Known. That is how God works in a Church.

Make Me Willing
Here is a desperate prayer. “And make me willing to obey You.” King David prayed this prayer following his debacle with Bathsheba. The Hebrew writer talks about ‘besetting sins’ which are sins that have you under their control. I have had a few of these kinds of sins and I discovered they are like a pack of wolves they hunt you until you are worn out. Often these kinds of sins will leave for a season, only to return like the vengeance of winter. A desperate prayer, like King David’s prayer is our hope for the deliverance we seek. “Lord, break my will to sin, and make me to obey You.“ Remember, getting rid of besetting sins begins with your desperation to be free, and your willingness to surrender to God.

Less Than
There were two areas that disturbed God greatly as He spoke to His people. The first was the influence of idols. The people of God always had a connection to God throughout their history, but they did not prioritize Him. God hates idols because they influence people to not prioritize Him. The second area of influence that disturbed God, was the unfaithfulness of leaders who teach and lead the people. It is these areas of influence where the goal of evil is to make God second … the objective isn’t to eliminate Him, it is to make Him less. The goal of unfaithful leaders is to make God not enough, there’s more than just God. Keep Him less and keep Him incomplete. No wonder God spoke repeatedly about idols and unfaithful leaders.

The Impossible
Making the impossible, possible is what God does. Heaven is impossible without the assistance of Jesus making it possible. Miracles are impossible unless God gets involved. So many times, in my life, I have said, “This is impossible.” committed it to God, and then saw the impossible become a reality. The most impossible experience I have ever had was to believe in God. I hated the idea of Church, and I hated God for convincing people He existed. Yet, the impossible became possible, and 52 years ago it happened … I started to believe in God, and it changed my life. Today, I love living with the idea of the impossible because I am an example of what God does when He changes the impossible to the possible. Jesus said, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”

History Repeats Itself
Now think about this … The courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth has fallen and honesty has been outlawed. Anyone who speaks against evil is attacked. Sounds like America, doesn’t it? It may resemble America, but it was Isaiah talking about Israel 3100 years ago. (Isaiah 59) History does repeat itself. Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself because human behavior is predictable. Every generation faces the same the temptations, the same deception, and have the same results as it had in the past. America is in trouble because righteousness is opposed, justice is not fair, truth is no longer relevant, and honesty is outlawed. These are the conditions that brought down the empires of the past. America beware!

Religious Bias
Jesus never came to establish a religion; He came to provide salvation. I had a long talk with a man this past week who was confused about a Biblical worldview and a Christian worldview. A worldview is a philosophy of life. A Biblical worldview interprets life through the Bible … period. A Christian worldview interprets the Bible through the Bible too, but it also adds the bias of theology and denominational belief. There are no Baptists or Lutherans, Protestants or Catholics in the Bible. These are all extra-Biblical or outside of the Scriptures. Religious bias can become more important than Jesus, and that’s called idolatry. A new reformation is needed, it is called ‘It’s Jesus … Period.’ So how about dropping the tag lines of our religious bias … it could change the world.

Words of Revolution
The first time I got into trouble with words was when I used the word, ‘mankind’ in a sermon. You would have thought I swore. Mankind is an inclusive word, it means ‘male and female’ as the Bible defines it. The strategy of evil has always been to change the meaning of words. The Bible uses the word Father when addressing God, but today Mother is also used. Words do have meanings, and when the intent of that meaning is changed, it could bring a whole new interpretation to the communication. Words like equity, justice, racism, privilege, liberal, and progressive have been words used to promote an ideology. The Devil is not only in the details, but he is also definitely in the interpretation.

Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. That is the description that Paul gives the Devil. Disguise is a different appearance to conceal one's identity. Now, think about the disguises you face every day. Things you thought were right and real, were only a cover for something else. The Bible talks about the end days being days of, or an era of deception. An angel of light appears to be representing God, but the goal is only to gain your attention to deceive you, just like Eve in the beginning … if you eat you will be like God. There is always a promise with deception, but it’s never a promise that honors or submits to the authority of truth. Watch what you believe and weigh it always with God’s Word.

God Never Changes
One of the ways we lower God down to our level is when we think God changes. Solomon said, “Whatever God does is final, nothing can be added to it or taken from it.” In other words, God knows the beginning and the end, so even before He created Adam and Eve their failure was no surprise to Him. He planned from the beginning there would be a Cross. God’s plan was final from the beginning, nothing can be taken from it, nor can there be anything added to it. His plan was to create, redeem, and give His Kingdom to us … simple yet profound. Often when I pray, I remind myself that He never changes, nor do His promises that He has given to you and to me. God is so good, and He never changes that either.

The Change of Heart
I love the story of the Apostle Paul. He was a religious leader … turned bounty hunter. He would arrest Christians and have them prosecuted. All was going well, until he was knocked to the ground, and heard Jesus say, “Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Paul was doing what his religious tradition wanted him to do, but by doing so, he was persecuting God. Religious tradition can keep people from knowing God. Tradition is a form of Godliness, but it denies the power of having a relationship with God. Persecuting God is allowing the traditions of religion to guide your life rather than letting God into your life as Savior and Lord. Paul was blinded by his tradition, but after his encounter with Jesus, he saw clearly and became one those Christ-followers that he had prosecuted.

I have lived long enough to know everyone is a hypocrite. No one gets away with not being one in this life, at least to some degree. It’s better to admit to it, confess it, and ask God to help you not be one. At least you are being self-aware of being one, and you aren’t surprised when someone calls you one. Christians are often called hypocrites by people because it’s true. I tell people honestly when accused, “Yes, I am one, and that’s why I’m in therapy every week on Sunday morning, I am getting help. How about you?” Hypocrisy is a weakness between knowing what is right and doing what is right and no one is exempt from blurring those edges between the two.

Three Essentials
I believe there are three critical truths people need to know regardless of any religious affiliation. (1) We please God by loving Him with all our mind, body, and soul. Jesus told us this is the greatest religious observance. (2) Judgment Day is coming, and all humans will appear before God to review the story of their lives. Jesus told us to fear, honor, and respect God because He has the power, the right, and the obligation to punish accordingly. The reality of hell becomes much clearer in eternity, but it can be avoided by preparing now. (3) Religion and its minions are not God. Religion has lied to people for centuries. The language of religion is, “we do,” the language of God is, “Jesus did.” Jesus and only Jesus defines Christianity.

I got Covid-19 for the third time this past weekend. All I could think about was, “This is not fair.” Well, most of life isn’t fair. It’s not fair when a child is born with a deformity and is confined to wheelchair for life. It’s not fair when war murders your family. It’s not fair when your police officer husband goes to work and is killed in the line of duty. It’s not fair to see children starving because the village has no food. Yes, lots of things are not fair. But God reminded me in my poor me state of mind, that He doesn’t deal with us in fairness … He gives us His grace. Well okay, it was still my third bout with Covid-19.

The opening of the Olympics in Paris had a depiction of the Last Supper that was quite offensive to some Christians. Listen, I am not offended by this stuff, and I’ll tell you why. I feel sorry for people who mock God. The nice thing about God is that He is merciful, otherwise these mockers would be instantly obliterated. God is always working to help even mockers see the errors of their ways … it is called grace. Now, why I feel sorry for them, is because mockery comes from an empty pathetic heart that has nothing better to do but make fun of others. I think we call that bullying. We don’t like bullies, yet in the name of art we allow it. I think we call that hypocrisy. Grin.

Cashless Society
Our cash is disappearing. It is reported that physical cash went from 3.55 billion in 2000 to just 840 million today. That means there is just $2.50 per person in the United States. Cashless societies are preferred for one reason … control. All other forms of finance can monitor money by credit cards, bank statements, and tax records. But cash … there is no records, no trails, and no statements. The Bible tells us of a financial system that will govern the world, and you will not be able to buy or sell without this system. Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, "Let me control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." Controlling the world begins by getting rid of all currencies.

God created us for relationships. Marriage and family are examples of how important relationships are to Him. In fact, the Church is even called the Bride of Christ. There is even a relationship between believers in Christ and God Himself. Not only is there a relationship with God through faith, but the Apostle Paul also said that there is a relationship between those who plant, and those who water, with God conducting the increase. This relationship is known as ministry. We are either planters or waterers, and both are important in the process of sharing the most important relationship … having faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “Those who believe in Me, will never perish, but will have eternal life.” You and I plant or water this message to our world.

No Divisions
It is amazing that Christians have a problem with each other. Especially when the Apostle Paul said, “Let there be no divisions in the Church.” We disagree about the silliest matters, as if we have a right to argue anything. The Head, the Christ, is the only one who sets policy, and the rest of us follow that policy. I have also found that its usually never the plebeian, or common class, who is interested in argument … it is always the leaders. Leadership always feels it has something to defend, and it’s their responsibility to lead people to the truth. The Apostle Paul said to be of one mind, united in thought, and purpose. This is the policy, so why all the disagreement? It makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Desire is a powerful element in our nature. If we desire things that are wrong, then we end up with them. It works the exact same way when we desire good things. God said that He will give you the desires of your heart. He allows you to pursue evil desires, as He does the pursuit of noble ones. Jesus told the Laodicean Church that they were neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, and He would spit them out of His mouth. This Church had no further need to pursue anything … they were fine with what they had. Compliancy is the number one reason our spiritual lives plateau. Jesus reminds us to love God with all out heart, our mind, and our soul … it is the greatest desire we can have that pleases God.

God is described without beginning and without end, which defines Him as Almighty. When it says, “The faithful love of the Lord never ends and His mercies never cease,” it refers to His personality. (Lamentations3:22) I am drawn to mercy because I realized early in life, I am a poster child for mercy. Every morning, I realize His mercy covered my yesterday, but mercy isn’t deserved … it is what He offers to us. When we think of the story of the Gospel, it is a story of mercy. As we fall in love with His mercy, it is a reminder to show mercy to others in the same manner we have received it. I want to be His mercy on display … how about you?

I know this world likes innovation and heralds the titans of new ideas. Yet, the Prophet Jeremiah said, “This is what the Lord says, “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, Godly way, and walk in it.” There will always be ideas that compete with the old, but the old is a path well-traveled by those who sought truth. Today, we live our lives at a perpetual crossroad. The culture is calling us to participate, while the Lord is calling us to a life of holiness. Ernest Hemingway said, "We have to get used to the idea that at the most important crossroads in our life there are no signs." Jeremiah had the right idea. Follow the Godly way, and He will guide you through those sign-less crossroads.

How Are You Driven?
What are you driven by? Some are driven by personal gifts, by resources, by fame, by position, and power. So, where do you land when you answer that question? For part of my life, I was trapped by the things that drove me. I wanted the best in life, I wanted to make the decisions, and I wanted to be known. I drove my life by my gifting, and it became my purpose. Let’s face it, we are known by our gifting. Yet, Jesus told us that the Kingdom comes first, which supersedes all gifts and accents on character. The character of a person puts the Kingdom first, and is known by that priority … they are driven to make the Kingdom known. So, what drives your life?

Politics is an interesting study. Along with religion it is the most contested topic with most people. Yet, politics is the art of governance. There are more lies told in politics than any other profession on earth. Holocaust survivor, Victor Frankl, said, “There are two men in every person running the race, one evil and one good.” Which means, on any given day, one will out distance the other and win the race and the next day it could be different. Politics is like that, on any given day, you never know who will come across the finish line first … evil or good. No matter how much we hate politics, it is here to stay. In fact, the Bible tells us that the world ends with a politician known as the Anti-Christ.

It Matters What We Preach
In 1965, mainline denominations claimed around 50 percent of the American population, today they have fallen to 9 percent. So, it matters what you preach. Furthermore, author Howard Hendricks says we remember 10% of what we hear, and Rick Warren says we forget 95% of what we hear after 72 hours. So, it matters what is preached, and it matters what we remember. Mainline Churches lost their focus because of what they preached, and the key to remembering is to practice what we hear. When we hear a Gospel-based sermon, take notes. Study those notes to transform the hearing into the doing. Be more than a hearer of the Word … be a doer of the Word.

The Great Reversal
God has a unique reward system in His Kingdom. Some who are least important now, will be greatly important then, and those who are greatest now, will be least then. So, does that mean the billionaires, the powerful politicians, the famous entertainers and superstar athletes will not have the same status then as they do now? Probably not. People who place importance on profit, power, and recognition, will face a different value system with God … His importance is placed on sacrifice. Jesus said that anyone who sacrifices home, family, fields, whatever because of Him will get it all back a hundred times over, not to mention the considerable bonus of eternal life. This is the Great Reversal … many of the first ending up last, and the last first.

White Stone
Culture has become an idol in some people’s lives. Ethnic culture, American culture, Christian culture, Tribal culture … everyone comes from somewhere with some kind of cultural story. Culture reminds us from where we came, and that’s a history lesson. Yet, as Christians, we move from where we have come from to where we are going, into the Kingdom of the Son. The Kingdom is made from all the tongues from cultural nations, but our new names are written on a White Stone (Revelation 2:17) won’t reflect the old culture, it will reflect the new Kingdom. Be careful on the amount of time you spend on uplifting your earthly culture and focus on the White Stone of His Kingdom. (Colossians 3:2)

The signs of the age Jesus said are like vultures. When you see vultures circling an area, you know a dead body is nearby. The same is true for signs. When you see the signs, know the end is near. The days of Noah was another reminder that Jesus said would replay itself in the last days. Noah’s generation was totally consumed with their lives, and that is what is playing out in our generation. Ungodly generations, unaware, and not knowing God. Noah’s day faced the flood, and our generation will face the wrath of God as revealed in the Book of Revelation. Today, the signs of His coming are like the vultures, they are circling indicating the end is in sight.

Having a Month
As children we learned at an early age a lesson for life. In school if you were given a treat, you were not the only child that got a treat, all children were eligible and were treated the same. Yet, as an adult, we single out various groups for a month-long celebration, at the exclusion of others. February is Black History month, but there is no Hispanic month, or Native American month? So many ethnic groups have no month. June is Gay Pride month, yet there is no heterosexual month or family month? It seems to me that groups that have a month are the special children who get the treats, and the rest of us are left to ask, “what is wrong with us, that we have no month?” Seems odd to me.

Box People
In society there are two kinds of thinkers. In the box, and outside the box. Most of us use the education we were taught from the box. It is safe, it is known, it is acceptable. But what about those outside the box? There are no rules, no measurements, or predictions. They rely on the language of the gut and intuition. Most of us like the box, because we know what to expect. Those outside box face the unknown, they are the visionaries. The box people love the sound of church bells, but the out of the box people like the challenge of the mission, yards from the gates of Hell. Jesus instructs us to get out of the box and “go into all the world.”

There is a story Jesus told about a banquet where people were invited to attend, and all the invitees gave excuses not to attend. Some had business dealings, others were investing, chasing their dream, while others were getting married. However, at the end of the day, all made excuses as to why they could not attend. Jesus used this story to illustrate that many have been invited into His Kingdom, but few choose to come. God is still inviting people and He is still getting excuses from His invites. All of us make excuses for ourselves, but there is one excuse that could cost you eternity. No matter what your life is doing, when the invitation is given, by all means, do not make an excuse.

Jesus said, “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” If we, the church is like salt, what happens when we lose or change our message? Jesus said, “if you lose your saltiness, you get thrown away.” I recently read about some Christians representing a group called “Progressive Christianity.” Here in part is what they believe. “They value compassion, justice, mercy, and tolerance, often through political activism. Often Progressive Christians will refer to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as horrific or unnecessary.” I believe we face two kinds of churches, one a true salty church, and one worthy to be discarded. The gospel is salty, it was designed to stay that way.

“Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.” (Eccles 7:14) Now that is something that is not in our theology thinking today. This is one of those insightful wisdom verses that tells the prosperity gospel people that God cannot be manipulated to only prosper you. King Solomon goes on to say, “remember that nothing is certain in this life.” So, in short, God teaches us lessons in both prosperity and in the hard times, because God has created them both. Paul says, “I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” It’s not the circumstances, it is the Christ in those circumstances that matters.

Theology is important, I get that, however, some theology has become so important to people, that it has become an idol. It reminds me of how people treated the Sabbath in Jesus day: “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27) Sabbath was important, but it became so important it became an object of worship. Some theology is critically important, Soteriology, Pneumatology, and Eschatology, all have a place in the believer’s playbook of belief, but there is other theology that I would question. Calvinism, Supercessionism, Cessationism, Prosperity and Dominion theologies are all Biblically questionable and they have become more important than even the Lord Himself. In my latter years, the Bible is all I need, theology can get confusing.

Annie Johnson was 101 years old when I first met her. She was physically weak, but her mind was strong. She lived through some of the most astounding events in history. World wars, inventions of the automobile, telephone, radio, tv, internet. So, I asked her what she had concluded about life in living so long. I thought I would get an answer like, “I was amazed at how advanced we had become.” Instead, what she said to me I will never forget. “I am amazed at how unkind and mean we have become to each other.” Wise words that echo’s God’s Word. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) Kindness never goes out of style.

We have seen a rash of high-profile clergy resign recently over moral failure. It is a good reminder that no one is beyond sin. One of the lessons we learn early in following Jesus is that everything is a temptation. Just because you are a successful pastor does not mean you’re beyond temptation. Given the right circumstances, and the wrong frame of mind, anyone can be seduced into sin. How about the skeletons in your closet? Everyone has a past and I am convinced all closets have skeletons. However, there is mercy for the sinner, repentance for the contrite, and the grace of God for those willing to face their closet. Remember, confession is always forgiven, and it is the best way to clean a closet.